How to Create Networking Events People Want To Attend

Networking event at turtleback coworking

If you are an entrepreneur, a small business owner or a freelancer looking for work, you’ve probably been to a successful networking event—and many more that have just been “blah.” What makes a great event can be so inspiring, you may want to host your own in order to grow your network, connect with your community and share ideas. As the owners of the first coworking space in Truth or Consequences, we believe that networking events are the heart of any coworking community. Here’s a quick guide to how we host successful networking events in New Mexico and how you can, too.

What are the types of networking events we host

We find that the types of events that work well at our meeting space are happy hour meet-ups and roundtable discussions. Both require very little space and can have a free-flowing format. Of course, happy hour meet-ups typically have a more casual vibe and don’t need to have a topic or theme (but, of course, they can).

Roundtable discussions are great ways to get the community together to focus on a topic for education. A few discussions we have planned are about local small business resources and tips for first-time business owners. Any and all roundtables and happy hour events are open to our members.

Where should you host?

If you’re on the networking circuit and interested in hosting your own event, knowing what sort of vibe you want is a great place to start and thinking about where to host is a natural second step. Talking to and gathering strangers can be intimidating, so do your research and see what kind of setting will make you most comfortable.

 We quickly realized that our big communal space felt more welcoming for events than an intimate conference room and our back patio is great for happy hours. Consider the types of people you want to bring together. Are they all in the same industry or across a few? Is it an outgoing or more serious crowd? What time will your event be? Considering all of these elements will help you zero in on the best place to host.

 Looking for a space and help to host your networking event or want to become a member of our coworking space? Get in touch at

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